Funchal Market
Flowers, fruits, spices and colors
Flower, fruit, spice, color, tradition lovers will find everything they like in the "Mercado dos Lavradores."
The "Mercado dos Lavradores" "The workers’ market" is open every day, except on Sundays and on holidays. Farmers, cultivators and fishermen come to sell the fruit of their labor in a unique atmosphere in a soft blend of Art Deco and Modernism building.
Chestnuts, beans, zucchini, garlic, tomatoes, flower bulbs, exotic bananas, sweet potatoes ... you will find all kinds of fruit and vegetables but also very strange fish from the deep ocean in a market for tourists but also for locals.
Tips: Plan to go to the market early enough in the morning (the market is open daily from 07:00am to 06:00 pm, except on Sundays and on holidays, and Saturday until 2pm.) The best day to visit it is certainly on Friday morning. Most vendors come to sell on that day. If you want to eat local it is the market you need: 90% of products are local (only peaches and nectarines come from elsewhere).
The market is accessible to people with reduced mobility.

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