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Come and discover the wine bar with its numerous wines in a wonderful place very near the Place de la Comédie.
Thanks to its 'enomatics' (wine dispensing machines ) you get a chance to taste a glass (or two ?) of the most famous wines in the region at a very reasonable price.
Fill up your card at the cash desk and choose the wine you want to taste or let an expert guide you. Max Bordeaux will even allow you to taste a few centilitres of a 600 euros great wine to help you decide if you want to invest in it.
You will definitely learn more about Bordeaux wines in this smart and elegant place than in any specialized dusty book.
Phone:+33 5 57 29 23 81
Hours: 11 am to 8 pm
Website :

Location :
14 Cours de l'Intendance, 33000 Bordeaux
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