Search hotels in Saint-Emilion
Now that you are in Saint-Emilion you know that there must be some very special places where to enjoy the creme de la creme of French cuisine. We know where to go ! Le Clos du Roy is simply a must; here you can sample, yes, traditional cuisine, only entirely revisited, reinvented.
The chef, Nikhola Lavie-Cambot, specialises in cuisine du terroir with its specific cooking and seasoning. He gives free rein to his imagination and offers unique creations. Treasure a true moment of discovery sharing delicious food and enjoy a 5 star service. Sit back and let the magic happen, you are in the very best of hands.
Opening hours: Wednesday to Sunday
Lunch: 12.00 to 13.30 Dinner: 19.30 to 21.30
Website :

Location :
12 Rue de la Petite Fontaine, 33330 Saint-Émilion
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