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Le Garage Moderne is obviously one of the most beautiful and sweetest places in Bordeaux.
There, you can have your car, bike or motorbike repaired for a maximum of 50 euros a year depending on your income. The Garage Moderne is very well equipped. Its owner, aided by her beautiful Belgian shepherd, gives old cars, bikes and motorbikes a second lease of life with her very special touch.
The place is lively thanks to the café at the entrance managed by another great lady. She is very proud of her garage and speaks of it with 'stars in her eyes'.
Her perfumed and brightly coloured hair lightens up this world of metal and motor oil.
The « Garage Moderne » is certainly the only place in Europe with posters of Kadinsky paintings on the walls !

Location :
Place de la Bourse,
33000, Bordeaux
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