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You can’t reach the heart of Bordeaux if you miss that place which is the cultural lung of the city. This area was reclaimed, recycled and renewed to open new horizons while honouring its past. Darwin Bordeaux (its name was chosen in opposition to creationist theories) is atypical, original and well thought out. It develops projects and values in a coherent and comprehensive way.
Philippe Barre, the 'ship's Captain' who has led the ship to port, has accomplished this by giving human and ecological values an important place. The Darwin Centre hosts many associative structures but is also an incubator for new and well-established companies. It is also a leisure centre of relaxation and a gourmet centre. 'L’espace Darwin' is proof that investing in culture is an important catalyst to bring prosperity to a city.
Alain Juppé, the city's Mayor, gave this project a chance to develop and its reputation now radiates well beyond the French borders.
In this ever changing environment, there is also a very good restaurant and a very fine organic grocery with a selection of high quality products.
Fully supported by its inhabitants and town institutions, L’Espace Darwin is another Bordeaux icon , endowing this huge area of the right bank with a sense of identity and giving the city tremendous cultural impulse.

Location :
87, quai des Queyries, 33000 Bordeaux
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