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Artists´ Town Gmünd:


Experience one of the most beautiful and colourful small towns in Europe! Granted the EDEN AWARD 2011 (European Destination of Excellence) for sustainable urban development, the small town is focusing on art and culture during the last 25 years. The beautiful location between two impressive national parks, the national park “Hohe Tauern” and the biosphere park “Nockberge” and the exemplarily preserved medieval town architecture are offering excellent conditions for a large variety of cultural events: exhibitions, museums, sculpture gardens, artists´ workshops, artists-in-residence and numerous galleries are presenting art and culture for every age and every taste.


The main summer exhibition at the “Stadtturm Gmünd”, one of the most important places of exhibition in Carinthia, is presenting internationally celebrated artists every year. At the “Pankratium” – the House of Amazement - the visitors do not only hear music but in fascinating experiments can also see and feel it. The private owned “Porsche Automuseum” is attracting automobile fans from all over the world recording Prof.


Porsche´s stay in Gmünd during World War II and creating here the first Porsche 356. Numerous professional arts and crafts studios that are situated all over the old town are inviting the visitors to look and to buy one of the unique works of art.


The numerous open galleries and studios are presenting contemporary fine arts, painting, photography, sculpting and media art and make the visit into an unexpected and uplifting experience. The possibility to meet local artists and international artists-in-residence is creating a “cosmopolitan atmosphere” in this small medieval town. And also art education programs for children are getting their due at the “Malwerkstätte“. From May to September the Summer Academy Gmünd is offering a wide range of creative workshops, for example the mosaic workshop teaching the mosaic laying in the famous way of the “School of Ravenna”.


In the evenings you can choose from the most varied cultural events in Upper Carinthia: Concerts, theatre, cabarets or readings and even a new small cinema, the culture cinema Gmünd, is presenting high quality entertainment in a comfortable, old-fashioned way. It´s not surprising that the small town has already gained a lot of recognition (e.g. most livable community in Carinthia, the EDEN Award 2011 for sustainable development) and is attracting visitors from all over the world who are interested in culture year after year. The Artists´ Town Gmünd would be pleased to welcome you!


Visit the Stadtturmgalerie Gmünd

Visit one of the most popular fine art museums in Austria presenting each year one world famous artist like in 2015 Albrecht Dürer and his etchings and 2016 Francisco de Goyas graphic masterpieces. A large side-program with Goya Matinées, Goya films and an art education program are organized.


Stadtturmgalerie Gmünd

Experience all the various galleries, sculpure gardens and artists in residence programs in Gmünd

Up to 20 galleries and museums presenting contemporary art and handicraft are welcoming you to Gmünd. 20 artists in residences are spending several months each year in Gmünd, producing fabolous art creations here.


Sculpture gardens Gmund

Visit the Pankratium GmündVisit the Pankratium Gmünd

The House of Amazement in the Pankratium Gmünd is awaiting you with fascinating experiments to hear, to see and feel music.


Pankratium Gmünd

Visit the Porsche Automuseum

See the private Porsche Museum remembering that Prof. Ferdinand Porsche once, during World War II, lived and worked in Gmünd, experiencing on his first Porsche 356.


Porsche Automuseum Gmünd

Experience one of the cultural events in town

Experience one of the numeroius cultural events in town like the great and famous artist handicraft market on the first weekend in August each summer. Concerts, Jazz and classic music are awaiting you as well as theatre, cabarets, literature programs and a wonderful small old fashioned cinema, presenting awarded films throughout the year.


Cultural events Gmünd


European Destinations of Excellence

Sustainable tourism destinations in Europe