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Alba Iulia

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Alba Iulia, in the center of TRANSYLVANIA, Romania!


Highlights: The Unification Hall – the place where 100 years ago modern Romania was born. |  The Roman Catholic Cathedral Saint Michael – part of the TRANSROMANICA European Cultural Rute | The Reenactment shows by The 13th Roman Legion “Gemina” | The Ceremonial Exchange of Austrian Guards at the citadel gates (with canon salutes)

If the Romans did not exist, the local heritage would not have existed, too, certainly. That’s why we decided in honoring them by dedicating a consistent part of this invitation, directly addressed to you. We are provoking you to join us in this imaginary journey, and then to turn it into reality here, in Alba Iulia, Romania.


Imagination exercise: Close your eyes for a few moments and imagine that you’ve just turned back the clock... 2000 years. Imagine that the Dacians around you, the bravest and most righteous of the Thracians, as Herodotus calls them, are fighting hardly with the Roman legions, the gladiators enter the arena, and they may not go out again,.. Sounds familiar, right? From history books. Now open your eyes and feel all this right next to you, in front of you, all around you, into a Hollywood-like scene of Rome or Spartacus. This constantly happening in Alba Iulia, the Other Capital of Romania, the ancient capital of Dacia roman province. Because that’s how we see the history here: not just read and learned but living it… live.





Once you’ll get here, you’ll see that, in Alba Iulia transcends all your expectations!

Start your day in Alba Iulia with a delicious breakfast in the cozy comfort of a town hotel and end it with a breathtaking gladiators fight, in the lights of the blazing torch.

The best time to come over: anytime. 


Because the history isn’t less interesting and impressive in winter than in summer, in spring than in autumn. Yet, the perfect time to come over is in the tourist season, between the end of April and end of September. This way, you are sure you won’t miss some of the most spectacular and stunning historical reenactement shows you’ve ever seen. The moments that get you out of the history books and make you, simply, to see it and live it in the very front of you, exactly as you know it.


During the touristic season, every Friday afternoon, the roman soldiers, the gladiators and the dancing nymphs are ready to take you on a incredible trip, two thousand years back in time.


If you only have one day to spend here, in the very heart of Transylvania, make sure you don’t miss the Roman Castrum of APULUM, with the roman road between the southern and northern gate of the castrum. 2000 years before, no less than 3 roman emperors did the same as you today.


You have, also, daily, at noon, “shows” performed live the Austrian Guard of the Citadel: The unique Ceremonial Exchange of Guards, while once a week, Saturdays, the ceremony includes as well canon salutes.







Alba Iulia

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Top things to do

in Alba Iulia

A real Romanian Landmark: The largest fortress in Romania, Alba Carolina with all its 7 gates

Travel back in time through two millenniums on The Route of the Three Fortifications: The Roman Castrum (106 AD), The Medieval Citadel (16th-17th centuries) and Alba Carolina Citadel, a Vauban type fortification (18th century)


Fortress of Alba Iulia

The Roman-Catholic Cathedral Saint Michael

Part of the TRANSROMANICA since 2012. It is the most valuable architectural monument of Transylvania, marking the late romanesque architectural style and representing a great example in this respect for the Eastern Europe.

The construction of the Cathedral begun in the XIth century, and later Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque elements were imprinted constantly. (the Lázói chapel is the oldest Renaissance construction in Romania). The romanesque cathedral has an early period marked in the floor of the existent cathedral, where you can find the most ancient romanesque sculptural element in Romania, Maiestas Domini, but also late romanesque periods, realised during the second phase of the XIIIth Century, with a rich ornamental repertoire.


Hiking in Bohinj

Book a really unique roman soldier guard

Tip for a day to remember: if you want more from the day you spend in Alba Iulia, book a really unique roman soldier guard to join and “protect” you and your group through the whole visit.


Roman soldiers Alba Iulia


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